Do you know that the longer it takes us to accept a difficult person or a situation, the longer we will feel stuck with that problem?Do you realize that accepting someone or something which is challenging does not mean agreeing to it?
Acceptance means looking at life and circumstances for what it is and knowing that this very moment is inevitable rather than denying or trying to ignore it.Accepting that this moment is inevitable will save us from creating more problems.
Acceptance does not mean agreeing.One does not have to agree with someone's behavior, opinion or situation but we can accept them for what they are.One also does not have to like it or give up on something in order to accept it.
When we completely accept this moment, naturally we will come up with the best solution.As we know, we can't control everything and everyone.Resisting this challenging moment will never help us to have control over it, rather make our life more miserable.The more you resist,the more you suffer.
Our misery and struggle arise from our resistance to what it is.Resistance to whatever happens creates the friction in life.When we resist life, we are not allowing the universe to flow through us and thus will create a stagnant energy. If the energy is stagnant, you will remain in the situation for a longer period or attract the same type of problems repeatedly.
Resistance will make us more focused on the problem rather than on the solution.The more we resist, the more we focus on the problem.Law of attraction states that the more we focus on something, the more it grows.We will emit a lower frequency which is equal to the frequency of our problem.
If we want to solve a problem, our focus should be on the solution.As what Einstein said,"we can't solve our problem with the same thinking we used when we created them".We can only solve our problem when we emit the same frequency with the solution.This can be done only with acceptance, accept that this moment is inevitable.
Acceptance appears to be a passive state.However,a true active state which we call "action" or "growth" or "progress" can only happen when we come into acceptance.Only when we are in an acceptance state, we are capable to look at our challenges from a higher perspective and solve it in a way which serves our highest good.The faster you accept a moment,the sooner you will have an effortless growth in life.
When we accept a problem for what it is, we come into peace with that problem.We will be in a completely different state of consciousness, more peaceful and calm.From that peaceful state,we will usually come up with the best solution which serves everyone's highest good without creating more misery or drama.Problems will not be prolonged or exaggerated.
Let me give you an example.
Suppose your spouse is extremely lazy and messy. They create mess and clutter all the time.This drives you crazy.So how can we apply acceptance here?And how resisting this situation exaggerates the problem and creates additional chaos?Let's look at the problem from two different angles.One is from resistance and the other from acceptance.
The first scenario is from "Resistance".When you can't accept your spouse for whom they are, you will start to think
" how can they behave such way?They don't respect me.They don't love me.They don't care.They are disgusting and etc."
Your anger gets out of control with more resentments and eventually, you might attack your spouse verbally or physically or do something which does not serve your relationship.That might lead to many new problems which permanently damages your relationship.The old problem was not solved instead, new problems will be created.Problems which started from cleanliness might end up eventually in divorce.
The second scenario is from "Acceptance".You accepted the fact that your husband is messy and lazy.You realized that he grew up with that behavior and it is not easy to change it overnight.Once you come to an acceptance, you feel much more peace and calm and started to develop compassion for them.Your focus will naturally shift towards the solution.
In fact, we can only focus 100% on the solution when we accepted a challenging person or a situation.Remember,acceptance does not mean you agree with them.Once your focus is on the solution, naturally you will take responsibility for your problems without solely focusing on accusing others.You might started to think that:
"My spouse is very disorganized..Now, how can I solve this problem?How can I make it easier for him not to create more mess or clutter ?How can I help him from my end to manage his clutter?How can I express my feelings without accusing him?"
From this new state of consciousness, you will be in tune with the higher consciousness and the universe will present you with a wise solution.You might begin to talk to them calmly and politely by explaining to them how their habit makes you feel OR you might talk to them about why they might want to keep an item or to throw it away, and help them come to their own decisions about the items OR you might hire a professional organizer.Here the problem was solved.
Did you see the vast difference between both of the above-mentioned scenario and how it can transform our whole life?If we are in an acceptance state, we will begin to be in tune with the frequency of the universe, life becomes pleasant and magical..Everything we need will be attracted effortlessly.
The more we resist something, the more it persists.The moment you accept it, it dissolves immediately!
Every time you have a problem, ask yourself this question:
" This moment is inevitable,now how can I solve this problem?"
If something or someone did not meet your expectation, ask yourself :
"How can I help them from my end to solve this problem?
"How can I take responsibility to solve this problem?"
If you still find it difficult to accept your problem, place your hand on your heart and say :
" Dear Higher self or God or Universe, please help me to accept this problem for what it is.What is the next step you want me to take?"I'm here, I'm ready, I'm open.Please guide me"
This practice must be done few times and it will help you to surrender your problems to the divine, come into an acceptance and a wise solution will present itself.Get ready and be open to solutions which might show up in any number of ways.