"When you betray yourself, you will be betrayed by others." .One should know their self worth and values in order to be authentic and live their truth.Only with self awareness one will know their values.
What is self betrayal? Self betrayal is when you go against your own values and adopting the beliefs and values of others.Betraying and disrespecting your own values ,needs and talents given by the universe in order to just please others or to fit into the society.It simply means you are not being truthful to yourself.
Tolerating physical abuse in a relationship,refused to honor your passion and talent,following the crowd blindly, sacrificing own values and needs, refuse speaking your truth or living your truth is self betrayal. Basically when you make any decision based on fear ,you are betraying yourself.We make decisions based on fear as we don't know our real power and worth yet.
When you betray yourself, your subconscious mind is watching it and records it every moment.Every time you betray yourself and compromised your core values, slowly you will lose the respect for yourself..It happens compulsively and unconsciously.Therefore you will attract people and situation repeatedly with different names who will disrespect and take advantage of you.Life will be miserable when you compromise your values.
As the great Osho says "people have compromised on every point and they cannot forgive themselves because they have compromised.They know they could have dared, but they proved cowards.In their own eyes, they have fallen, they have lost self respect.That's what compromise does".
Let's take the relationship as an example.I’ve seen many friends of mine compromised their truth and had a miserable life.Many are willing to stay in a bad relationship out of fear of loneliness.I've seen women end up with an abusive partners(verbally or physically), and someone with whom they can't get along most of the time.They went against their values and changed their whole lifestyle in order to just please their partners.Dreams,friends and passion were forgotten.They settled for less and sacrificed everything ,only to be left alone after few years.
What happens when you are not truthful to yourself?
When you compromise your values and settle for less in a job,relationship or any other facets of your life,you will start to lose respect for yourself and develop self hatred unconsciously.This will lead to a very miserable and robotic life.However, most of us continue to do that as we were taught by the society that it is the only way to be in order to be appear happy ,secure and successful to the society.
We think it is something "Normal & natural" to compromise our values in order to just fit into the society.Being flexible is completely different from compromising your values .Flexibility is beautiful as it stems from love and confidence .Meanwhile compromising values usually takes place out of fear .
Apparently it looks similar but it’s completely opposite of each other.A flexible spouse will have a very stable,understanding and loving marriage.Meanwhile a spouse who has compromised their values will have a manipulative,unhappy and resentful married life.
Misery will create a very low vibration around you and start attracting everything which only resonates with your vibe.
When we betray ourselves,we attract people who betray us continuously .People who are acting against their values in order to please their life partners will attract the same type of partner who disappoint them repeatedly.Those who hate the nature of their career will attract the similar types of jobs or bosses who gives them pain irrespective of how good the job is. We will get stuck in a repetitive cycle unconsciously and stay unhappy by blaming the world.
If we do not accept and love ourselves unconditionally, how can we expect others to love us?If we don't respect our needs and values, how will others respect us?Our subconscious mind will always attract people based on our own vibration.We attract people on the same wavelength.If we don't know our worth, how can we attract people and situation equal to our worth?
I was so dependent on my loved ones, parents, and others for validation and acceptance.I needed others to make me feel special and needed.Eventually, I was taken advantage and faced many humiliations. We can never please everyone.The harder I tried to please others to get their validation, the more i was humiliated and disrespected.It’s just not worth it.Nobody can satisfy us or give us joy and love when we ourselves failed to create joy within ourselves.The void in us can only be filled by us.Till then nothing and nobody can satisfy us.Depending on external validation is equal to giving away our power.
We always needed something external to make us feel enough and gives us sense of worth.We failed to look within us to derive the internal power and joy.Depending on external validation will lead to turbulence as nothing in the external is within our control completely.
What will happen when you know your value and worth?
It took me more than 10 years to know my worth and values after enormous humiliation and struggle.Only when you know your values,you can be truthful to yourself.Most of us underestimate ourselves as we never take the time to go within ourselves and have always been interested in others and have been busy comparing ourselves with them.We hardly look at our progress based on how far we have come instead more focused on how far we are left behind compared to others.
If one of your values is family,make sure you spend a quality time with them and if you betray yourself by working day and night without even talking to them during the weekends,life will become a struggle and your achievements will not be meaningful to you or your family.
The moment I knew my values and worth,I became more confident and have learned to say "No" to people who demand me to compromise my values.I stopped playing small and started going out of my comfort zone to do things that I have always wanted to do and start saying "yes" to people and opportunities which helped me to step into my greatness by expressing my true nature . Comparison is not my cup of tea anymore.
Today,life is beautiful every single day.Abundance started flowing.I feel powerful..Life transformed!I don’t have everything but I feel so abundant and peaceful.I understood how the most enlightened people on earth have always talked about living their truth and how it changed their life.I’m experiencing it right now.
Only when one know their worth, they can attract someone or something equal to their worth.My life transformed the moment I became truthful to myself. I feel so powerful and joyful without external validation.
The higher intelligence is constantly trying to show us our greatness.When you play small and compromise your values, you are not only betraying yourself but also betraying the source, your co-creator who has created you with lots of greatness and gift.
Even though serving others is great, but serving yourself is also equal to serving the universe.This is not selfish but self honor, honor for the universe in you.You can never give joy to others without creating the joy within you.You can only give others what you have.
Only when there is an unconditional love within you, you can love others without any expectation.You are serving others by serving yourself.Loving yourself unconditionally means accepting every aspect of yourself.To accept yourself,you need to have self awareness.
Many times universe will try to show you your greatness and help you to align with your soul through humiliation, failure, and struggle.It tries to wake u up from this illusion.If you don't learn from those lessons, more painful lessons will be sent to you till you become more conscious and aware.
Every time I learn a lesson from my life, my consciousness expands and my perspective on life changed.When my perspective changed, the quality of my life changed.The same problems but with complete peace and joy. I don't look at problems as a disaster anymore but more of a blessing and attracted more miracles.
When we are aligned with our soul, all the needs and desires arise from our higher self (God’s will becomes our will), not from EGO.Therefore our wishes will be manifested very easily.Only desires and thoughts from EGO will have obstacles to be manifested as most of the time the universe only manifest our wishes which are for our highest good.
So how can we have more awareness?How can we know our values and worth?How can we practice self respect and love?Do you know that our first few years of childhood experience repeats as a cycle in our adult life attracting the same type of situation and people through different names and situation?Stay tune for more articles.